Fall Protection
UT Dallas is dedicated to the protection of its employees and students from all on-the-job injuries. All employees of UTD have the responsibility to work safely on the job.
Falls are a leading cause of serious injuries, and even death, in both the construction and general industry sectors. The University’s program is designed to enable employees and students to recognize fall hazards at UTD. By establishing these procedures, the UTD community can prevent falls to lower levels, through holes, and other openings in walking or working surfaces.

Worker/Student Responsibilities

- Recognize the hazards associated with their jobs/tasks and how to minimize them.
- Report hazards to supervisor(s).
- Follow safe work practices outlined in work plan and/or instructions from their supervisor(s).
UTD’s fall protection program utilizes a three-step systematic approach to protect people from falls.
- Elimination of fall hazards: designing work areas and tasks to avoid fall hazards whenever possible.
- Prevention of falls: installation of guardrails, using complete scaffolds, installing stairs instead of ladders, hole covers, etc. These things do not rely on personal behavior or PPE to provide protection.
- Control of falls: Last choice; includes use of equipment such as harnesses and lanyards.


Fall hazards, or other situations where this fall protection plan applies, include the following:
- When individuals are within 6 feet of an unguarded edge with a drop of 4 feet or more (examples: roof edges, platforms, any walking surface, beams, pipes, etc.).
- Anywhere on roofs with unguarded edges with slopes of 4 inches in 12 inches (or a ratio of 1:3) or greater.
- Work around skylights or any other roof surface not designed to support personnel, unless guarded.
- Excavations and holes deeper than 4 feet.
- Other fall hazards that are less than 4 feet if there are other significant risks of injury in a fall (e.g., dangerous machinery or jagged debris below).
An “unguarded edge” is an edge that does not have a standard railing or wall that is at least 42 inches high.
Ladders are not normally required to be used with fall protection. Scaffolding that meets all OSHA requirements (full decking, railings, toeboards, ladder or stair access to each level, etc.) and has been inspected by a competent person does not require additional fall protection.
Where fall hazards are not eliminated by railings or parapet walls, fall restraint or fall protection systems providing 100% tie-off are required (i.e. the user is connected to the system 100% of the time they are within 6 feet of the fall hazard).
- Fall RESTRAINT systems prevent you from being able to reach the edge.
- Fall ARREST systems safely stop your fall before you hit the ground or other obstacles.
All employees or students exposed to unguarded edges or other fall hazards are required to complete fall protection training and abide by all of the requirements of UTD’s fall protection program.