Confined Space
Confined spaces can present conditions that are immediately dangerous to workers if not properly identified, evaluated, tested, and controlled. DO NOT ENTER a confined space unless you have completed pre-entry planning, received job-specific training, and are authorized by your Supervisor to enter the space in accordance with the UTD Safety Policy for Confined Space Entry and your Unit’s written Confined Space Entry / Permit-Required Confined Space Entry program.
All Confined Space Entry notification(s) should be made at least 24 hours in advance unless entry is due to an emergency situation.
- Notification to UTD Occupational Health & Safety is REQUIRED before entering a permit-required confined space (PRCS)
A confined space has limited openings for entry or exit, is large enough for entering and working, and is not designed for continuous worker occupancy. Special precautions must be taken when entering confined spaces. Confined spaces include, but are not limited to, tanks, vessels, silos, storage bins, hoppers, vaults, pits, manholes, tunnels, equipment housings, ductwork, pipelines, etc.
Follow the flowchart below to help decide whether a space meets the definition of a confined space, and whether or not the space requires a permit before entry.

All UTD personnel and UTD Contractors must follow their Unit’s internal Confined Space Entry policy/procedures which meet the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.146 and/or Subpart AA of 29 CFR 1926, at a minimum.
- Confined Spaces for Construction – Sample Written Program (TX Dept. of Insurance – TDI)
- Confined Spaces for General Industry – Sample Written Program (TX Dept. of Insurance – TDI)
Implement all required safety measures to prevent injury or illness when working in these spaces:
- Protecting Construction Workers in Confined Spaces (OSHA)
- Confined Spaces in Construction – Pits (OSHA); Confined Spaces in Construction – Sewer Systems (OSHA); Confined Spaces in Construction – FAQ’s (OSHA)
- OSHA Quick Card – PRCS / OSHA Datos Rápidos – PRCS – Español
For pre-entry support or assistance, contact UTD Occupational Health & Safety.