Fire & Life Safety Department

Our mission is to manage and reduce fire-related emergencies at the University through oversight, fire and life safety inspections, and education. Many such emergencies are caused by a lack of knowledge in fire safety and fire prevention. As a valued member of our UT Dallas Community, we strive to empower you to recognize and mitigate fire risks where you learn and live.
For any questions related to fire safety, please email us at or visit our office in SPN 2.740.
Our Services
Fire Extinguisher Training
Sign up for hands-on fire extinguisher training by emailing the Fire & Life Safety Department at
Fire Log
Access the Daily Fire Log.
Hot Work Permit
Request a Hot Work Permit.
Report Building Damage
Report damage to fire barriers (walls) or missing ceiling tiles in buildings.
Learn More about Fire & Life Safety
Reduce the Risk of Fire
Hot Work Permit Request
Jobs like electric arc welding, brazing, gas soldering, and oxygen-acetylene cutting and welding require hot work permits be issued by the Fire and Life Safety team before work begins. Permits are issued for a specific job, for a specific time frame, to a specific person. The hot work permit must be approved before work begins.
Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Learn the risks posed by flammable and combustible chemicals you use, and take appropriate precautions:
- Use chemicals from properly-labeled containers, following the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for hazard communication.
- Always carry, store, and dispense flammable and combustible liquids using safety cans or other approved containers. Keep containers of flammable and combustible chemicals tightly closed when not in use.
- Choose the least hazardous materials that can do the job effectively and safely. When possible, substitute less flammable or nonflammable materials.
- Use flammable liquids in a well ventilated area, or under a fume hood in laboratory settings.
- Never store flammable gas cylinders inside a fume hood, or in unsecured work areas. These gasses should be placed in specially designed gas cabinets or designated storage locations.
- Use special care when handling liquids with flash points below 100° F / 38° C. Contact the Safety team for additional guidance.
- Avoid placing ignition sources such as flames, sparking equipment, and hot materials near flammable liquids. Replace open flames with properly grounded electric heating devices whenever possible.
- Develop and follow material-specific safe handling procedures for use of flammable compressed gasses. Consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) associated with each gas to learn about special fire hazards presented by these compounds.
- Ground any equipment that can produce a static spark.
- Store and dispose of flammable and combustible waste liquids in accordance with University policies for hazardous waste disposal.
Fire Extinguisher Training
Classroom/Hands-On Training
Often your best option in a fire is to evacuate and call for help, but sometimes using a fire extinguisher is a good option. Fire & Life Safety offers fire extinguisher training using state-of-the-art, virtual-reality technology. Our class teaches:
- How to decide whether using a fire extinguisher is the right option.
- What type of fire extinguisher to use against different types of fires.
- How to properly use a fire extinguisher.
Please contact the Fire & Life Safety Department at to schedule a training session for your group.
Self-Paced Training
Building Inspections
The Fire & Life Safety Department is responsible for inspecting all University buildings to ensure they comply with applicable fire safety codes and life safety codes. Fire & Life Safety notifies the responsible department when violations are identified, so corrective actions can be implemented. As trained fire investigators, we also investigate any fires that happen on campus, both to discover its cause and to determine how it can be prevented from happening again.
You can help keep your building safe by staying aware of hazards such as:
- Improper use of extension cords and power strips (daisy-chaining).
- Use of unapproved electrical devices, space heaters or open flames.
- Improper storage of flammable materials.
- Blocked aisles, exits and use of corridors for storage.
- Damage to fire barriers (walls) or missing ceiling tiles.
- Obstructed fire sprinkler heads (storage of items within 18″).
- Blocked access to fire extinguishers (maintain 3′ clear on all sides).
Please contact the Fire & Life Department when:
- You have any questions about the fire safety or life safety of your building.
- There has been a fire in your work area, and we (or the University Police) have not yet investigated it.
- You notice anyone creating a fire hazard or life safety hazard, e.g.: setting fires, tampering with fire alarms, etc. (You can also contact the University Police.)
- You have any questions on this topic or need training on this topic.
Design Review
Facilities Management (FM), Safety, and each University department are responsible for ensuring that every facility at UT Dallas complies with applicable design, construction and remodeling safety codes for that type of facility (e.g.: dormitory, laboratory, lecture hall, etc.). Design review teams carry out inspections, review plans and communicate with both regulators and University officials to make sure we have safe facilities.
In the design stage, every area of a facility must be given an occupancy classification consistent with how it will be used. This ensures that a facility will be constructed with all the features it needs to be compliant with the safety codes for its class. Such features may include:
- Fire separation walls, floors, ceilings and doors.
- Fire alarm systems.
- Fire suppression systems and fire dampers.
- Illuminated exit signs and emergency lighting.
- Emergency showers and eye washes.
Please contact the Fire & Life Safety Department at the design stage if you need to change the way any area in your facility will be used, as such changes require our approval.
Facilities Management (FM) provides estimates for both remodeling and construction projects. FM coordinates with Safety on every project to review its compliance with federal, state and local codes and regulations that apply to life safety.
When a project encounters a practical difficulty in carrying out the letter of a code, regulation, or standard; FM/Safety may allow for a modification on a case-by-case basis, so long as the intent and purpose of that standard is maintained. No modifications that lessen a structure’s fire-protection or structural integrity will be allowed. All modifications will be documented in the FM/Safety project file.
Adopted Codes
The University of Texas at Dallas is under the primary authority having jurisdiction of the Texas State Fire Marshal’s Office. The State of Texas has currently adopted the 2021 version of NFPA 1 and NFPA 101.
The University of Texas System has adopted the 2021 International Code Series, along with the 2023 Energy Code.
Design/Submittal/Inspection Guidelines
Requirements for designs, submittals and inspections are posted on the Design Guidelines & Construction Standards section of the UT Dallas Facilities Management website. Division Twenty-One is for Fire Suppression.
Fire Alarm Systems
The University fire alarm system is continuously monitored by having all buildings primarily reporting to the University Police, and secondary reporting to Fire & Life Safety. See design specifications for fire alarm design and submittal requirements.
Sprinkler System
Fire sprinklers are an important part of the fire protection system in University buildings. See design specifications for fire sprinkler design and submittal requirements.
Fire and Evacuation Drills
Fire and evacuation drills are regularly performed in all campus buildings. These drills help you become familiar with:
- The sound of a fire alarm.
- Emergency exits.
- Evacuation procedures.
You will be expected to treat any fire and evacuation drill as if it were a real fire and to evacuate when you hear the alarm. Once you evacuate from the building, you must stay at least 75 feet away from the building until the “all clear” is given by the campus fire authority or emergency responders. Building occupants should familiarize themselves with primary and secondary emergency exit routes on a regular basis. Participation in fire and evacuation drills is mandatory.
Fire Log
UT Dallas maintains a log of fires that have occurred in on-campus student housing in accordance with federal regulations (34 CFR §668.49).
The UT Dallas Daily Fire Log is not a complete list of all fire events that have occurred on UT Dallas property. The following definitions apply to this fire log.
“On-campus student housing” refers only to structures containing residential occupancy for students. The UT Dallas Fire Log does not include neighborhood centers within student housing developments, campus facilities (administrative, academic, library, student life, or support) where students may overnight on a transient basis, vehicles, locations off UT Dallas property, or outdoor locations of any kind.
“On-campus student housing” consists of three developments:
- University Commons
- Capella Hall
- Sirius Hall
- Vega Hall
- Helix Hall
- Andromeda Hall
- University Village
- Canyon Creek Heights
- Canyon Creek Heights North
- Canyon Creek Heights South
“Fire” is “any instance of open flame or other burning in a place not intended to contain the burning or in an uncontrolled manner.” “Fire” does not include controlled burning, even when that event is contrary to policy, such as candles, smoking, or other open flames, when that open flame does not result in property damage.
For more fire safety tips, visit the following websites: