Laboratory Waste Updates
Chemical Waste Labeling Option –To simplify waste labeling and request procedures, a new classification and labeling option has been developed for laboratories. A short video details the process:
Waste Stream Determinations – Presented here are the common laboratory waste streams that contain the required information to be used on a red-and-white label. This sheet must be located in the laboratory waste storage area. Additional waste streams can be developed for individual labs if a unique waste does not meet the listed characteristics of any existing waste stream. Please reach out to for more information.

If the chemicals in your waste match the listed constituents (or contain only constituents that are chemically and reactively similar) AND meet all required characteristics (highlighted in yellow), it may be labeled with the corresponding waste stream name AND number.
As usual, all waste must be labeled, on a label placed directly on the container, with the PI/Lab name, accumulation start date, and general hazard classification.

Liquid Chemical Waste Flowchart – Use the following flow chart to identify your liquid wastes properly.