Training & Access Control

Safety and Environmental training programs are designed to support all functions across the University. Courses offered include both online- and classroom-based instruction and cover general and specific policies and procedures related to safety and environmental protection.

Guidelines for exposure to hazardous chemicals are included in the Texas Hazard Communication Act. All UT Dallas employees play a role in complying with this State regulation.

Within our Laboratory Safety Program, to ensure our safety goals are met, the University requires all researchers, staff, and visitors to UTD laboratories to complete research and academic safety training commensurate with any risks or hazards associated with their involvement in University labs. This training is managed through the BioRAFT platform, and access to laboratories may be restricted if required training programs are not completed.

Research and Academic Safety Training Programs

Training courses are offered under the following programs:

  • Laboratory Safety
  • Biological Safety
  • Chemical & Hazardous Waste Safety
  • Radiation and Laser Safety
  • Physical Safety (Electrical, Machine/Tool use)
  • Fire & Life Safety
  • Animal Care and Use

In addition to general safety orientation, Supervisors and Principal Investigators (PI’s) must ensure their workers are trained on hazards and procedures that are specific to their work areas/labs. The Safety team provides safety and health training that is a general supplement to work activity/lab-specific training.

Training Access

All training courses are accessible through the BioRAFT platform. A NetID is required for access. If you are visiting a campus lab or do not have a NetID, please contact

Courses And Requirements

Based on hazards that employees, volunteers, or students may be exposed to, training requirements must be established by the Supervisor/PI following their completion of a work area hazard assessment. Safety training requirements are determined by the tasks, materials, and equipment associated with each work space. The BioRAFT Laboratory Management System assigns training to lab members based on laboratory hazards, and identifies the associated training modules.

Laboratory, Chemical, and Physical Safety

  • Laboratory Safety Orientation: Introduction to safe practices in the laboratory/research environment. Topics include: basic information about safety, hazards (identification), controls, hazardous materials, electrical safety, earthquake safety, fire extinguishers, emergency procedures, and ergonomics.
  • Hazardous Waste Management: Introduction to proper determination and management of hazardous waste. Topics include: labeling, storing, treating, and disposal of hazardous waste. Discussion includes physically hazardous, chemical, biohazardous, radioactive, and mixed waste.
  • Chemical Hygiene: Overview of the safe use of hazardous chemicals (flammables/combustibles, corrosives, reactives, and toxins). Topics include: Standards, Hazards and Controls, and Exposures.
  • Controlled Substances: Introduction to secure use of controlled substances. Topics include: Introduction, Controlled Substances Use Association (CSUA), Storage site controls and security, Orders/Delivery/Receipt, Use Logs and Biennial Inventory, Transfers/Imports/Exports, Disposal, Diversion and Loss Reporting, and Illicit Activities and Repercussions.
  • Compressed Gasses and Cryogens: Overview of the hazards associated with compressed gases include oxygen displacement and asphyxiation, explosion, and toxicity, as well as the physical hazards of a ruptured cylinder. Topics include: the hazards posed by the use of compressed gasses and cryogens, how to safely use compressed gas cylinders, reading cylinder labels, proper cylinder storage and transport, using connectors and valves.
  • Shop Safety Training: Overview of safe use of shop machinery. This hands-on training will provide general instruction for hazards in a machine shop environment. Training for specific tools should be provided by the Supervisor or PI.
  • Electrical Safety Training: Introduction to basic electrical safety. Topics include: hazards, equipment, testing, maintenance, proper use, extension cords, grounding, ARC flash, and lockout/tagout.
  • Fire and Life Safety Training: Learning to use a fire extinguisher properly, and practicing before there is an emergency situation, is critical to responding successfully to incidental fire events. Portable fire suppression units can be the first line of defense in containing or extinguishing a fire – this helps to protect you and your community.


  • Nanotechnology Safety: Overview of Hazard Communication related to the use of nanomaterials and additional access to online resources for nanomaterial safety. Topics include: overview of nanomaterials, routes and risks of exposure, safe handling and control measures, lab hazards and hazardous chemicals, labels, material safety data sheets (MSDS), common warning signs, and physical and health hazards.

Biological Safety

  • Biosafety: Introduction to proper handling of microorganisms in teaching and research, recombinant DNA, and work conducted in a microbiological laboratory.
  • Bloodborne Pathogens: The Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, Epidemiology & Symptoms, Modes of Transmission, Exposure Control Plan, Tasks & Activities, Methods of Compliance, PPE Selection, PPE Decontamination & Disposal, Hepatitis B Vaccination, Emergency Procedures, Exposures, Post Exposure Evaluation & Follow-up, Signs and Labels, and Waste Management (48 min).

Laser and Radiation Safety

  • Laser Safety Training: Overview of the safe use Class 3B and Class 4 lasers. Topics include: Introduction, Hazards (Biological and Non-Beam), Engineering Controls, Administrative Controls, Work Practices, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
  • Radiation Training: Initial hands-on and annual refresher for safe use of radioactive materials. Topics include: ionizing radiation, ALARA, surveys, security and inventory control, waste management, records, rules, and lessons learned.
  • X-Ray Safety Training: Overview of the safe use and operation of x-ray producing equipment.

Animal Care & Use

  • Research Animal Use and Care: Online and hands-on training is designed to provide an understanding of animal research regulations, as well as proper care and handling of animals in a research setting.


Please contact us with questions regarding safety training requirements or offerings at 972-883-7200 or